Ms. Hisayo Yamashita

..January 2011.. ..Tokyo..

Sad news, Ms. Hisayo Yamashita passed away earlier this month. She is the 2nd person I photographed for “From Above” that has passed.

During the short period of time we were around her, Ms. Yamashita left a great impression on us all. Her friendship will be deeply missed.

It was honor to have known her and call her my friend.

Ms. Hisayo Yamashita from paul saviano on Vimeo.

Prior messages about Ms. Yamashita.

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3 Responses to “Ms. Hisayo Yamashita”

  1. Ginnie says:

    I remember the top image of her, Paule. I’m so sorry for your loss…though one must add she lived such a long and full life. A life that counted! I hope the same will be said of me one day.

  2. fabrizio says:

    very very interesting

  3. joshi daniel says:

    nice portrait beautiful bokeh!